1992 - LAURIE OWENS - PRESIDENT 1992 - 1994

Always present, Laurie provided great back-up support for club president Tommy Williams for many years before taking on the presidency in 1992.

It was unfortunate timing for Laurie as YCW had just come into a period of dominance in the competition. The Wildcats had made a significant change in their methods of player management and were employing a non-playing coach which enabled a separation of on-field and off-field leadership. This, in turn, allowed the coach to concentrate solely on the task of coaching and management without having to be concerned with his own playing performance. With a wealth of promising young players at their disposal, YCW was about to set out on a course of continued success for many years to come.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Seagulls had geared up for another shot at the title with further expenditure on recruiting to provide the opportunity for more success. It was to be a forlorn hope with second place being the only available prize in 1992 and 1993.

Eventually, in the mid-nineties, the financial wheels fell off and the Seagulls slipped into a survival phase for the remainder of the decade with little funding available for recruiting.

Laurie moved back into a supporting role during the late nineties and assisted the Club back to a healthy financial position in readiness for a new decade. 

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